Today was grandparents’ day at the kids’ new school. They all had such a great time, but the kids really missed Mama and rushed back home. They had PLANS, given the early release, and that included a park. So I loved on them, then spent some time paying attention to ME.
Getting ready now is a different experience. I actually have time to (try to!) do something with my hair, a little bit of make-up. I construct an outfit and try things I didn’t before. Because his opinion doesn’t matter anymore. If he were to see me, he’d probably have a ton of negative things to say.
I’m realizing just how much I heard his criticism as a constant undercurrent through my mind. But I’m no longer under his spiritual authority or covering. So I’ll try something, and see if I like it. And if I don’t, I’ll try something else.
Back to the point. We went to a park and played for hours. Then my Mama spidey-senses started to go off when I saw a van park, then follow, park, then follow us, as we walked around the path. We quickly left, and I found another park closer to home. And what an amazing park it is! My daughter shrieked, squealed, screamed! in excitement when she saw it. And we were off to the races.
My son just wanted to be on the swings. I watched him fly so high, bliss on his face for so long. And my heart ached, knowing that bliss was soon to disappear.
After 2.5 hours of playing, I called them to a secluded bench and told them we had to have a serious conversation. I can’t even handle recounting the whole thing here right now. Here’s what I managed to text a friend afterwards.