War Room

I’ve heard great things about this movie and decid­ed with the kids gone, now would be a good time to final­ly watch it. 

What stuck out most to me was how Tony hit rock bot­tom before he changed, and it was all from the nat­ur­al con­se­quences of his own choic­es. He too had the “per­fect” life at home, and a wife he nev­er felt was good enough. He too was a mas­ter of sales, but felt the need for deception. 

The thing is, I’ve been wag­ing war in prayer my entire mar­riage. I’m not going to go down the rab­bit hole with “Why.” I know He heard every prayer. My hus­band ignored any stum­bling blocks God may have put in his way to pre­vent his sin­ful choic­es. Or rather, he chose to go around them and do them anyway. 

I don’t blame God. Per­haps those prayers are what sus­tained our mar­riage for as long as it’s been. Per­haps that’s what kept things from get­ting vio­lent. I don’t doubt that if he’d mar­ried any­one else, it would have been ugly, and the mar­riage over in a year. Per­haps those prayers made two amaz­ing kids possible.

Here are a few key phras­es that stuck out to me, prob­a­bly because they’re what I’ve been say­ing to myself for a long time already.

  • 22:00 — It was­n’t my job to do the heavy lift­ing, oh no! That was some­thing that only HE could do. It was my job to seek Him, to trust Him, and to stand on His Word.
  • 28:04–57 — You’re fight­ing the wrong ene­my… who said it’s your respon­si­bil­i­ty to fix Tony? It’s your job to love him, to respect him, and to pray for the man. God knows he needs it. You got to plead with God so that He can do what only He can do. And then you got to get out of the way and let Him do it.
  • For­give­ness frees you. God is a good defense attorney.
  • 49:00–51:21 — I’m not his judge, You are. Don’t let him do this. Take over. Help him love me again. He’s doing some­thing wrong. Don’t let him get away with it. Stand in his way. I’m ask­ing You please, to help me.

I think it’d be inter­est­ing to see the vers­es used in both wom­en’s war rooms. They’re like­ly in the Bat­tle Plan Prayer Jour­nal and Prayer Cards. There’s also a devo­tion­al based on the movie in the You­Ver­sion app. 

John 10:10 (ESV) — The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

2 Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans 3:3 (NIV) — The Lord is faith­ful. He will strength­en and pro­tect you from the evil one.

James 4:7 (NIV) — Sub­mit your­selves, then, to God. Resist the dev­il, and he will flee from you.

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