When I was planning a month of dates this past July, so was he… with her. Even taking her to the Colorado Springs hotel I told him I’d always wanted to take him to. And how many of the 16 date days I excitedly put on the calendar did he and I have that month? One. Sunday brunch at the new crepe place, before he left on his “business” trips all over the country… to see her.
I got this picture in my mind of letting go of him (since Letting Go has been popping up on the shuffle SO much, and while I saw his date expenses on his financial statements), and him spiraling away from me. I don’t know if I will know anything of his life moving forward (not like I knew anything substantial up to this point!). If the present is a prediction of the future, he won’t be moving to where the kids and I now live, so there won’t be weekly exchange triggers to dread. I don’t know if he could even do the monthly visits. So I have to focus on me, my path, and trust that God keeps His eyes on him. And maybe the two orbits will cross once more. Such a repeat of our first five years of “friendship.”
God told me last week to surrender him. And this morning, He told me to trust He will take care of him, as my heart desires. Not vengeance. Protect him. Provide for him. Keep him safe, mentally whole… and bring him back to His side.
So I once again surrender him. Leave him in God’s hands. He’s another overwhelming thought/burden I give to God, saying this is too much for me to handle. I’m leaving this in Your capable hands.
Lord, You see all.
You saw all.
My heart
and his.
My actions
and his.
Such a dichotomy.
My heart, actions, tears, prayers… they all stand as monuments, heaps of stone in the Jordan, before You. They cry out as Abel’s blood to You.
And You will be faithful.