new church


I went to a new church today, and I loved it. It just felt right. I already knew I loved the pas­tor; I’d been watch­ing his ser­mons online for the last 2 years. And I knew I con­nect­ed with their wor­ship. The only down­fall I had seen on a pre­vi­ous vis­it was a lack of diver­si­ty. It’s all wealthy white peo­ple in their 40s and up. But giv­en the city they are in, that’s basi­cal­ly the entire population.

I had no hes­i­ta­tion in going for­ward for prayer. Nathan’s prayer was so on-point. He prayed for my husband’s bro­ken­ness, for my heal­ing. Then he prayed for my son, all the while pro­claim­ing the very same Scrip­tures I’ve been med­i­tat­ing on. I came back to my seat 20 min­utes after ser­vice end­ed, to find the lady seat­ed behind me wait­ing for me. She said as soon as I sat in my seat at the begin­ning of ser­vice, God had told her to reach out to me. Her name is DJ. She gave me her num­ber, and I gave her a pre­view of what was going on in my life when I hand­ed her my visitor’s prayer card. And wouldn’t you know it, she’d already lived what I am cur­rent­ly going through. I take it as a God thing, so I’m plan­ning on going to her Bible study next week.

My par­ents thought the kids would enjoy going to a zoo-themed restau­rant for lunch. My hus­band and I had tak­en the kids there 3 times pre­vi­ous­ly, so I expect­ed crazy trig­gers and tears. Suf­fice it to say, I con­sid­ered it a big vic­to­ry to be able to sit there eat­ing moz­zarel­la sticks and not cry. A great improve­ment from what hap­pened at Chili’s last Sun­day when Bruno Mars and Maroon5 came on. 

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